3 River Fly Fishing Festival

Join us May 1-3 for the 14th annual tournament benefitting the Town of Highlands Scholarship Fund!

The weekend includes fun for the whole family - lunches, opening night reception, and a closing night banquet with dinner and prizes.

Register Now


May 1-3, 2025


Highlands, NC


Men & women of all skill levels!

About the tournament

More than 2,200 miles of public waters available to fish for guided & non-guided team competitions.
1 native river.
1 hatchery supported river.
1 delayed-harvest river.

Limited to 50 teams, so register now!

Register Now

Weekend Lineup

Thursday, May 1

Opening Night

Details coming soon!

Friday, May 2

7:30am | Morning Check-in at Highland Hiker

Meet the guides, declare your destination and head to the river!

5:30pm | Afternoon Check-In

Details coming soon!

Saturday, May 3

7:30am | Morning Check-in at Highland Hiker

Meet the guides, declare your destination and head to the river!

5pm | Check-in at Highland Hiker with final scorecard

6-9pm | Awards Dinner & Auction

Join us for dinner, drinks,  trophy ceremony, a silent auction, and of course...revelry. Details will be shared at check-in!

Register Now

Register Now

$500 per two-person team. Register by April 1 for Early Bird rate of $450.
All entry fees are tax-deductible and benefit the Town of Highlands Scholarship Fund for Highlands School graduates.

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Checks should be made payable to "Town of Highlands Scholarship Fund" and can be submitted at Tournament check-in or mailed to:

Town of Highlands
Three River Fly Fishing Festival
PO Box 460, Highlands, NC. 28741